

“Man has two eyes.  One only sees what moves in the fleeting time the other what is eternal and divine.” – The Book of Angelus Silesius

Spirituality has been defined as a realignment of our sense of self to that intuitive being deep within.    People who are in touch with their spiritual life describe it as being inspired through a connection with a beautiful, divine light within the self.  A light which is our essence and is present within us all, leaving us feeling there is something more within.  The essence of us that we need to touch, explore, experience and which needs to be expressed to make us feel complete and at peace.

While religion and spirituality are related, they are different in that the spiritual path is a personal search within and religion is organised, often directed by specific guidelines to attain spirituality.

For this reason, just like other aspects of integrative health, our spiritual life requires attention and action.    There are various practices that can help us be in touch with our spiritual nature.   Those that are directed towards our inner life such as mindfulness, meditation, prayer or contemplation help us to open up to that inner truth.  Experiencing this inner truth usually entails engaging with an individual or others who share similar values.  It can also entail engaging with nature and activities which help the expression of this inner essence.

Our spiritual life requires us to look within and to touch that internal reality.  A reality that is timeless and deeply profound.

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