

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain

Health in Mind is aimed at helping you make the choices you need for complete health care.  It will provide a series of programmes based on the basic human ability to make choices depending on individual needs. To make a choice we need to be aware of the positive or negative consequences of what we choose. There are four important tools for our health and wellbeing – the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual requirements for wholeness. Learning to take care of the first three essential tools for our health will encourage the fourth element – our life or the “essence” / “spirit” of us. For this reason our programme will be divided into these elements with the various choices we can make, how to master abilities and include these as lifestyle habits to help maximize our health without feeling it is something we “have to” do.

The programme is designed on evidence based practice and recent research. The science behind habitual lifestyle related choices has grown tremendously over the last ten years and more evidence is suggesting that our health – including our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health – is largely due to the choices we make for our lives. This includes not only the obvious choices such as nutrition or exercise but also in the choices of the thoughts we feed our minds, on how we view and engage ourselves in the world. These latter mental and contemplative aspects are the more recent additions in the science of health care.

Once the science is understood, we can then move on to the art of sustainable living.

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