

“One doesn’t take a journey into the Himalayas without a guide who knows the ancient paths.” – Jack Kornfield

yoga studioThe services offered are directed at management of mental, emotional and general well-being with a particular emphasis on the role of stress on health.  The Integrative CBT-Yoga (ICY™) programmes are based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Yoga-based techniques.   Both these techniques are today considered as a part of an integrative approach to health as practiced in well-established medical institutions such as the Mayo Clinic, Benson-Henry Institute (BHI) for Mind-Body Medicine at the Massuchusetts General Hospital and Duke Integrative Medicine.  Such recognition reflects the guidelines of evidence based practice in medicine.

The programmes are both educational and practical.  They can either be within a small group setting (not larger than 12 persons per group) or one-on-one sessions, depending on the requirements of the individual.  Group sessions are directed at general aspects of stress and stress management to help equip each person with the necessary tools to deal with the negative impact of stress on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

One-on-one sessions are directed at specific aspects of the individual’s life.  It is important to note that all services are within the framework of enhancing general well-being.  They are integrative and do not replace clinical or medical treatment.

In both cases the requirement is that you are willing to take responsibility for your health and wellbeing.  An open mind set is about choosing what is right for you based on your experience and taking yourself beyond emotional obstacles that life can sometimes offer. Self-responsibility and an open mind help promote joy and the techniques used in the ICY™ programmes are aimed at providing you with the tools that promote healthy, sustainable living by minimizing the impact of stress and anxiety in your life.

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