

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” – Jim Rohn

Our physical life is about the habitual choices we make to sustain our bodies. Science has shown that making the right choices to help our bodies function better can help us minimize the effects of what previously was considered inevitable consequence of aging. The habitual lifestyle components that help the body’s ability to function well include being mindful of physical and social activities, nutrition, thoughts and emotions – components which also touch the spiritual experience.

We know that physical activities including cardiovascular activities, flexibility, balance and strength building provides us with numerous benefits such as strengthening the heart, improving our mood and helping to prevent or manage various diseases.

Another well established truth which helps sustain physical health is that of good nutrition. We truly are what we eat and the function of our bodies – pumping blood, moving muscles and the function of the brain – depends on good, healthy sources of food and drink.

Identifying what is good and not so good can often be daunting because of far too much information – and often misinformation. Dietary and exercise guidelines often change because of the scientific advances being made in nutrition and physical activity.

In either of these cases, your physical health will require commitment, good planning and a positive mind-set which is realistic and focused. Investing time for your health reaps great dividends. We often get caught in a mind-trap that by spending time exercising, taking time for leisure activities or preparing a healthy meal will make us less productive. In fact it is quite the contrary because such activities buffer us from stress and provide us with the energy we need to sustain the work we engage in daily.

This is also true for long-term benefits by minimizing the risk of fatigue and burn out which have become so common in most modern societies today. Consequently, we produce more for longer making us more effective and efficient in what we do.

The future aim of this section is to help you feel less overwhelmed by often contradictory advice on information related to physical activity and nutrition. It will also attempt to provide guidance on making your choices more simple and attractive enough so that you do not feel you are being deprived of healthy pleasure – which is also an important psychological component for your general well-being.

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